Play by the rule, but be ferocious.

Real Estate

The real estate industry is standing at the cusp of a tech revolution. Modern digital solutions make a lucrative pitch for a more streamlined process and smarter collaboration between the customer, the agents, the brokers and other stakeholders.

Seize the opportunity to keep current with the times and let us provide the digital push needed for your venture. With digitization comes automated platforms, data centralization, chatbot and the like. You can even lead the market in your area with trending inputs like virtual tours, digital floor plans, etc.

Real Estate Software

Services We Offer

Custom Application development

Custom Web Portals

Statistics suggest that over 40% of all buyers search for properties online before heading out for a visit. Needless to say, having an online presence is a must to connect with these potential customers. Whether its integration with existing web portals, or setting up exclusive customized portals for your venture, we have the necessary experts to guide you along the way.

Chatbot Development

Conversational AI

Clients in modern times expect communication channels to be open at all times. The expectation is to have a dedicated resource person for this, who can provide accurate information, within no time. As a service provider, an automated service desk can be the best way to fulfill those expectations. Experience increased customer engagement with our digital inputs.

Property Management

Property Management 

Increase the efficiency of your system with our property management digital solutions. Automating your back-end can be the one simple step that makes a remarkable difference in your customer engagement. Manage your inventory, user data and user interface better and save time by replacing the otherwise manual processes with technology driven solutions.

Smart Shopping

Digital Payment And Booking

Integration of various payment methods has become a basic requirement for all business ventures to cater to the needs of customers coming from all walks of life. In addition, introducing features like property listing with the right filters, booking virtual tours or a physical visit lend greater value to your venture. These and many other features become within reach with a few simple steps that will provide you access to leading-edge technology.

Why Eastern Enterprise

To make it big in an industry this large, reading the market trends is a must. The real estate sector is ready for its tech revolution, and we can prepare you for it. We are the digital plug-in to an operation you have built from the ground-up. With our team of experts working tirelessly to provide you services like in-room technology, map integration, chat bot integration apart from the ones mentioned above, we hope to provide the best.

Thought Leadership

Capture the real estate market with our tech-first approach. Speak to our experts today.